Berkeley Kite Festival Aims to Teach Environmental Lessons
No Strings Attached...
In addition to the wildly popular Free Kite Making, the Candy Drop, and the amazing Kids’ Zone, the Berkeley Kite Festival invites you join its first ever Clean Team. Be a member of the Clean Team at the Berkeley Kite Festival at this year's Kite Fest and get a free kite festival collector’s button!
Since 1986 our Berkeley’s Kite Festival has reminded all of us to look upward and experience our environment in new and exciting ways. Naturalists often talk about the principle of “Leaving only footprints” when enjoying the the great outdoors and this year’s Clean Team Program aims to teach this lesson in a fun and rewarding way. The program simply ask kids and their families to help control our litter “footprint” throughout the kite festival. Participants will be rewarded with our exclusive Clean Team Buttons.
Joining the Clean Team is as Easy as 1 - 2 - 3
Stop at the Information Booth to pick up your litter bag.
Fill your bag with litter you pick up on the grounds of the kite festival.
Return your bag full of litter to the Info. booth and get your Clean Team Button.
Clean Team 2014 is open to kids and adults of all ages. Bring all your friends and form your own Clean Team Troupe. Exchange a bag(s) of litter for a really cool button and be involved in the kite festival like never before.
And remember.... "Leave only footprints.”
Special thanks to the following sponsors and contributors