The smallest of three sizes, the Tensor 3.1 is a beautifully-constructed and versatile power kite for land-based kite traction sports and all-around fun. It will fly easily in 3-4mph with minimal pull, start to develop power from about 12 mph and really pull hard in 18+, perfect for windier locations and learning the basics safely.
Engineered to be more than just a trainer, the Tensor package makes it simple and safe to get into power kiting with a dual-line control bar, safety leash and quick release, all set up and ready to fly.
Once you’ve learned basic control, our innovative convertible bar system transforms into rugged quad-line handles for the extra control and maneuverability you need to take on traction sports like buggying, snow kiting and landboarding without spending another dime on your gear. Simply separate the bar at the machined aluminum center joiner and insert the two end fittings to make quad handles. Kite Killers for quadline mode are pre-installed, so just reattach the brakelines and you’re ready to ride. H
andles allow sensitive control to generate maximum power from the wind, and can be used with a line between the top ends for use with a harness. In either mode, the Tensor’s medium aspect wing is powerful but forgiving, with a smooth acceleration that doesn’t bite and confident edge performance without collapsing like high-aspect race kites.
With all lines pre-attached and ready to fly, the Tensor package includes everything you need for serious fun in a gorgeous backpack/duffel with extra room for a second kite or accessories. Color-coded lines, handles and pigtails make setup and adjustment easy, and the multiple safety systems mean you can kill all power on the kite instantly just by letting go of the bar or handles. In a real emergency, the control bar quick-release lets you jettison kite and bar altogether.
Built to paraglider standards from silicone coated nylon, the wing includes reinforced inlets, dirt-outs to easily remove sand from the cells, and stitched Dyneema bridles to reduce snags and hold optimum wing shape under load. Our Power Trim system allows 3 easy bridle settings to adjust power and performance in different winds. Flying lines are precision-measured and stretched Modulus Spectra for quick response and long life. We also include a stainless ground stake and sheath to secure the kite, and a comprehensive, well-illustrated flight manual that’ll get you flying quickly and safely.
• Best size for stronger winds and lighter pilots
• Forgiving edge handling and controllable acceleration for land-based fun and traction sports
• Dual-control bar converts to quad handles with no additional gear needed
• Power Trim adjustable bridle with three power settings for different winds
• Ready to fly with convertible bar and safety systems pre-installed
• Paraglider quality construction and materials
Posted by Genevieve on 24th Jun 2011
I had been thinking about the Snapshot 2.5 but when Tom told me how much it would cost to covert the 2.5 to Quad-Line setup I realized how great a value the 2.5 was, especially considering how versatile it is.
A lot of power and so much fun....
Posted by Richard Lee on 8th Feb 2011
I just got into stunt kite flying last year and this is my 3rd kite, and the first foil kite. I bought the Tensor as my trainer kite to prepare me for kiteboarding lessons.
Initially I was going to buy an inexpensive 4-line foil kite and find a way to rig it to a handlebar. Then I read all about Tensor and know that it has a full and wonderful package with a convertable handlebar, ground stake, and extra safety line. But at the moment, the sum of a 4-line kite plus the bar seem to almost equal to the price of a Tensor. So I bought it.
I was careful for my first flight. I did it solo but selected a day with wind around 5~10 mph wind. And it was no problem. The kite lines were already connected. I got the kite lay open with some sand at the trailing edge. Let out the linese. And let the wind inflate the foil a bit before giving it a pull... and it flew. When the wind isn't so strong it would slowly sink backward/downward. But just turn the kite and let it fly and create some apparent wind and it would happily do figure-8's until my forearms go numb.
The safety works. Drop the bar and the kite folded and gently flop to the ground. Relaunch is pretty respectable. I think I only had to walk to get the kite set up like once or twice in a month of time. This is where the money is spent, the relaunch ability.
Pull?? To say the least it definitely has more pull than my big Prism quantum. I flew in 15 mph wind and found no problem in launching and setup. It dragged me around, I am 150 lbs. And I am looking to try it at above 15 mph. Sorry, I am new at this.
I don't know exactly what to expect. But it's the biggest kite I have and the most sluggish one. I have since flew it once or twice every week and it seems to feel more responsive now. Not sure whether it was the line stretch or me getting used to how the Tensor response to my input. A few times I crashed it and did not seem to hurt it. The velcro opening at either wing tip is nice for letting the sand out.
Overall I enjoy this kite a lot. I like the quality built of Prism. This is my 2nd Prism kite. It seems to be more sturdy and rugged than light and flimsy. Oh, did I say it is beautiful? It is. And I recommend this kite for people who want a good quality trainer kite. it's not the cheapest kite out there but this is more like a Mac and less of an PC. So you get what you pay for. Happy shopping